
What's up, 2015?

Move aside 2014, cos 2015 is here to stay.

At least for now.

The start of the new year was pretty hectic. Thankfully so, cos I know things will cool off and pretty much settle down soon.

2014 for me was like... eons ago. Only because I can't remember what really happened. 

I just knew that I went to Bali, cooked a few things and that's it.


Maybe not.


Putting pressure on 2015 because I'd like to think I'm more matured (turning 24 in 3 weeks), a little bit wiser and a better cook. I still hate cleaning though, that doesn't change.

I'd gone through the first 3 days of school and it was nothing like how I imagined the first 3 days to be.
The primary 1s are too adorable and annoying at the same time. We even had to teach them how to sit down.

Have you ever taught anyone to sit down?
Other than babies?

Because NIE didn't teach me how to.


You see, there's more to being a teacher than just the theory and application modules they provide in NIE. Most of the things I learnt to be a better teacher was the on-job trainings in school itself. 

I've opened my eyes to such experiences when we had to teach them what we thought were the simplest things. It was then that I realized that there were DIFFERENT kinds of admin matters to settle. But who's complaining? I get to teach something different and I see visible results in time to come.

I'm having fun.

So please, parents, if you wish to make things a tad easier for the teachers, the things to prep your kids before entering Primary 1 are these:
1) Make sure your kids can read and write alphabets.
2) Teach them how to take turns.
3) Teach them basic manners like "Please", "Thank you" and "Sorry".
4) Make sure they know how to go to the toilet independently.
5) Teach them how to count.
6) Teach them what to do if they get bullied.
BONUS: Teach them the national pledge and anthem.

Touching on number 6, I encountered a small bullying case just now.
During recess, a girl came up to me and said that a boy was running after her when she was playing with a friend. She got scared and she started running. It turned out to be a game for that boy.
So the conversation went like this:
Me: Why don't you tell him to stop?
Girl: I asked him to stop but he kept running after me.
Me: Okay. Next time you should stop running and look at him and say, "I don't like what you are doing. Stop it now or I will tell the teacher."
(She thinks to herself, probably imagining the conversation that she would have with that boy)
Girl: Okay, I'll tell him that.

I didn't hear from her after that. She probably told him off, I guess. Hmm, maybe I'll find out from her tomorrow.

But yes, kids these days need to be told off by their own friends. Teach these kids how to repel bullies PROPERLY and not with profanities.

I've heard and seen my fair share of kids as young as five hurling profanities (even those that I forgot about) at the void deck on weekends.


Can we teach kids of this generation to be respectful and kind?
Let's begin this practice at home.

Till next time,

Mwah mwah

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